
Humanitarian Flight Arrives at YQR

July 14, 2022

Last week we saw the tremendous effort of many individuals and organizations in Saskatchewan come together to welcome 230 displaced Ukrainians to YQR.

This operation involved ensuring the safety and accessibility of servicing one very large Boeing 787 aircraft, as well as loading the aircraft up full of humanitarian supplies for Ukraine on its return flight. This is the first time in our history that this airport has planned the arrival of this size of aircraft at YQR and it took considerable efforts from many partners.

The Government of Saskatchewan was instrumental in bringing this flight to Saskatchewan and supported the Regina Airport Authority throughout the operation in a variety of faucets. At every step along the way, we were proud to work alongside the Provincial Government in making this flight successful.

In addition, we are thankful to the many organizations that made this entire operation possible:

Airport Terminal Services worked tirelessly on the ground handling and above wing operations, including bringing in additional staff from across the country to help manage this aircraft.
Air Canada provided airstairs designed for a 787 from their operations in Calgary to ensure passengers could disembark the aircraft safety. They also provided additional staffing to help with unloading baggage.

Canada Border Services Agency brought in additional staff and did everything in their power to ensure the comfort and speedy processing of 230 passengers through customs and immigration.

Engelheim Charter Bus Service had six buses dedicated to taking passengers to their temporary residence at the University of Regina as well as bringing volunteers to the airport.

Manitoulin Global Transport ensured the safe transport of the humanitarian cargo and the airstairs from Calgary.

Transport Canada put in long hours, ensuring the humanitarian cargo could meet regulations for the return flight to Warsaw, Poland.

Cargojet provided additional equipment and staff for the operation.

Createx palettized the cargo, getting it ready and safe for transportation.

Executive Flight Centre ensured fueling for the aircraft to return to Warsaw, Poland. This meant over 110,000 pounds of fuel – far, far more than our usual flights.

Countless volunteers and staff from the Provincial Government, Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency, and local law enforcement were on hand throughout the operation to help out.

Many of our airport partners including GardaWorld, CATSA, ServiceTec and Dexterra brought in additional resources.

This special operation meant early mornings, late nights, hundreds of hours of planning, countless meetings and phone calls, and the determination of so many. We all know that when we set our minds to accomplishing something in this province, we’re unstoppable. Because of this, at 7:30 pm on Monday July 4th, a direct flight from Warsaw, Poland landed at YQR with 230 passengers, several dogs, cats, and a chinchilla that were displaced because of the war in Ukraine.

Thank you to everyone who made this possible!


The Regina Airport Authority

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