
YQR Announces New Ground Transportation Strategy

May 3, 2019

James Bogusz, President and CEO of the Regina Airport Authority (RAA) shared the organization’s new ground transportation strategy today.

“With the changing landscape in parking and ground transportation options in the Queen City, our team has reviewed our long-term parking rates and modernized our commercial vehicle fee structure to enhance a competitive environment,” said Bogusz.

As part of the new ground transportation strategy, the RAA will be introducing a new cost saving initiative for long-term parking. Starting in June, travellers will be able to park their vehicle in the long-term lot at the airport for a significantly reduced price. The new rates will be $89 for the first week and then $49 for each week thereafter. Previously long-term parking was $105 per week in the main lot. The current economy parking lot will now be used as an overflow lot during peak demand days and is included in this new price structure.

In addition to the price reduction in long-term parking, as of July 1, the RAA will be removing the annual commercial ground transportation licence fee. This annual fee is being replaced with a pay-per-use pick-up and drop off charge reflective of the size of the commercial vehicle. With the new pay-per-use model, any commercial operator will now be able to conduct their business at YQR based on their actual volume of operations.

“As a self-funded not-for-profit organization, generating non-aviation revenue from parking and commercial transportation is critical to the operation, as it allows us to keep fees and charges as low as possible for the airlines and travelling public,” said Bogusz. “We expect that by modernizing our commercial vehicle fee structure and improving value in parking will help improve overall utilization of these services.”

YQR is the 15th busiest airport in Canada and connects the local community to many major Canadian markets. YQR is proud to offer seasonal service to both the US and international sunspot destinations. The Regina Airport Authority (RAA) is a not-for-profit organization that operates YQR under a long-term lease with the Federal Government.

The RAA has a mandate to operate a safe and secure airport, while looking to grow for the greater benefit of the community. YQR, It’s Your Airport!

Long-term Parking Rates

New Commercial Fees

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