
The Regina Airport Authority (RAA), understands the importance of balancing airport operations, future growth and development with the natural environment.

The RAA is committed to minimizing the environmental footprint of our activities, while ensuring that operations are conducted in a safe and secure manner. As the primary air access gateway to southern Saskatchewan it is vital that we do our part for future generations, while balancing the need to grow the airport for the betterment and vibrancy of the region.

Our commitment to the environment:
• Minimize pollutant discharge into receiving waters and routinely test water quality.
• Reduce waste generated through refinement to operations.
• Reduce usage of electricity and natural gas through strategic investments.
• Maintain an active spill response program.
• Actively promote recycling with our customers and tenants.
• Meet or exceed all applicable environmental legislation.
• Monitor our carbon footprint and include carbon reduction initiatives in our future plans.
• Raise awareness of on-airport environmental initiatives with stakeholders and tenants.
• Integrate environmental considerations into airport planning, operations and development activities.
• Screen all capital projects and implement mitigation measures as required.
• Work closely with The City of Regina on matters of mutual environmental concern.
• Report the airport’s environmental performance to the local community.
• Communicate and promote environmental responsibility among our team members, customers, partners, suppliers and other stakeholders.
• Actively participate with the Canadian Airports Council on nationwide environmental initiatives for airports.

Environmental Policy