
Regina Airport Authority Conducting a Security Training Exercise on Thursday, December 13

December 12, 2018

The Regina Airport Authority (RAA) will be conducting a controlled security training exercise, weather permitting, on Thursday, December 13 from 8 am to noon.

Participating agencies in the security training exercise will include the Regina Police Services, Emergency Medical Services, the City of Regina Emergency Management team, Public Safety officials, Transport Canada and CATSA.

There will not be any disruption to airport operations or flights during the scheduled security training exercise.


About YQR

YQR is the 15th busiest airport in Canada and connects the local community to many major Canadian markets. YQR is proud to offer seasonal service to both the US and international sunspot destinations. The Regina Airport Authority (RAA) is a not-for-profit organization that operates YQR under a long-term lease with the Federal Government.  The RAA has a mandate to operate a safe and secure airport, while looking to grow for the greater benefit of the community. YQR, It’s Your Airport!


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